Using seroprevalence data in managing public health programs.
1990 Mar-Apr
Source: Public Health Rep. 105(2):163-166
Alternative Title:Public Health Rep
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Description:An objective of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) family of HIV seroprevalence surveys, conducted by State and local health departments, is the collection of seroprevalence data that may be useful in managing public health programs. In prevention programs, seroprevalence data may be used in allocating resources, in determining the types and amount of education, counseling, and testing services offered, and in identifying access points for HIV-infected persons for medical followup and care. Over time, data will be useful in detecting and following trends in HIV infection and in evaluating the impact of program activities to prevent HIV infection. No single seroprevalence survey is representative of the entire population of a metropolitan area. Each type of survey has strengths and limitations that must be considered when interpreting seroprevalence data. However, results from the family of surveys are the best available data because they are relatively unaffected by self-selection bias, they are standardized, and the information is collected over time. Characterization of the population surveyed and adherence to standard CDC protocols improve the quality of the data. Consultants in health departments and at CDC form a network for providing technical support and disseminating data to health care providers and program managers.
Pubmed ID:2108463
Pubmed Central ID:PMCnull
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