Radio propagation measurements in coal mines at UHF and VLF
Source: Proceedings of Thru-the-Earth Electromagnetics, August 15-17,1973, Colorado School of Mines, p. 54-61
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Description:Radio propagation measurements were conducted in a coal mine at UHF (200 to 1000 MHz) and VLF (1 to 50 kHz) to characterize the transmission loss of intra-mine paths. The basic experimental parameters included frequency, polarization, path orientation and distance. Further tests evaluated the performance of roof-bolt vs. loop antennas at VLF and parasitic reflectors at UHF. Measurement results are summarized in a series of transmission loss curves. Examples are presented to show the use of these curves in predicting the performance of radio communication systems in mines.
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Pages in Document:p. 54-61
Resource Number:Proceedings of Thru-the-Earth Electromagnetics, August 15-17,1973, Colorado School of Mines
Main Document Checksum:urn:sha-512:cd2be56c456aba6b9922b38f87d769506d1901c156986953bc9ae0775c3a48767ffdfaac0ad544169728456172d21627894b6473159b537c0b431acec07785d4
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