Unmet need for clinician engagement about financial toxicity after diagnosis of breast cancer
July 23 2018
Source: Cancer. 124(18):3668-3676
Alternative Title:Cancer
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Little is known about whether growing awareness of the financial toxicity of cancer diagnosis and treatment has increased clinician engagement or changed current patients’ needs.
We surveyed patients with early-stage breast cancer, identified through population-based sampling from two SEER regions, and their physicians. We describe responses from 73% of surgeons (n=370), 61% of medical oncologists (n=306), 67% of radiation oncologists (n=169), and 68% of patients (n=2502).
Half (50.9%) of responding medical oncologists reported that someone in their practice often or always discusses financial burden with patients, as did 15.6% of surgeons and 43.2% of radiation oncologists. Patients indicated that financial toxicity remains common: 21.5% of whites and 22.5% of Asians had to cut down spending on food, as did 45.2% of blacks and 35.8% of Latinas. Many patients desired to talk to providers about the financial impact of cancer: 15.2% of whites, 31.1% of blacks, 30.3% of Latinas, and 25.4% of Asians. Unmet patient needs for engagement with doctors about financial concerns were common. Of 945 women who worried about finances, 679 (72.8%) indicated that doctors and their staff did not help. Of 523 women who desired to talk to providers about the impact of breast cancer on employment or finances, 283 (55.4%) reported no relevant discussion.
Many patients report inadequate clinician engagement in management of financial toxicity, even though many providers believe that they make services available. Clinician assessment and communication regarding financial toxicity must improve; cure at the cost of financial ruin is unacceptable.
Pubmed ID:30033631
Pubmed Central ID:PMC6553459
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Funding:HHSN26100006/Cancer incidence data collection in Georgia/International ; HHSN261201000140C/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States ; P30CA46592/University of Michigan Cancer Center Biostatistics, Analytics and Bioinformatics shared resource/International ; HHSN26100006/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States ; HHSN261201000035C/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States ; ... More +
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