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On The Decrease In The Life Expectancy Of Black Males In Michigan
Source: Public Health Rep. 91(2):141-145
Alternative Title:Public Health Rep
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Description:The 1970 census reported that there were slightly more than 1 million nonwhites among Michigan's 8,875,000 residents. Ninety-five percent of these nonwhites are black, and 75 percent live within the city limits of Detroit, compared with 10 percent of the State's white residents. Between 1959-61 and 1969-71, life expectancy at birth increased about 1 year for black and white females, essentially remained unchanged for white males, and decreased more than 3 years for black males. In 1969-71, life expectancy was 61 years for black males, 68 years for white males, 69 years for black females, and 75 years for white females. Much of this growing disparity noted resulted from a dramatic rise in deaths of black males in the 15-44 year age group. Two-thirds of this increase was caused by a major rise in mortality from two causes--accidents and homicides. While death rates for black males decreased for a number of other leading causes, these generally remained higher than similar figures for each of the other three race-sex groups. Given current rates, one of eight black males in Michigan ultimately will die from an accident or from homicide. This probability is 1 of 17 for white males, 1 of 30 for white females, and 1 of 26 for nonwhite females. Homicides reduced the life expectancy of black males by 2.3 years, compared with 0.2 year for white males, less than 0.005 year for white females, and 0.5 year for black females. More than three-quarters of all homicides of black males in Michigan in 1973 were caused by handguns.
Pubmed ID:822463
Pubmed Central ID:PMCnull
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