Interaction profile for : Arsenic, Hydrazines, Jet Fuels, Strontium-90, and Trichloroethylene
May 2004
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Description:The mixture of jet fuels, hydrazines, trichloroethylene, arsenic, and strontium-90 was chosen to represent potential exposures in the vicinity of sites where past and/or present activities include use and/or release of these materials. Such sites might include rocket testing facilities, air force bases, and similar installations. Activities at such sites might include use of jet fuels and hydrazines as aircraft and rocket fuels and trichloroethylene as a solvent to clean engine components. Such sites sometimes include or are co-located with nuclear research facilities or radioactive waste storage sites, where strontium-90 may be found in spent nuclear fuel rods. Arsenic, although not necessarily used or produced at such sites, is frequently detected at hazardous waste sites and would not be unexpected at any specific site. The purposes of this profile are: (1) to evaluate data (if available) on the health hazards and corresponding dose-response relationships associated with exposure to this five-component mixture as a whole; (2) to evaluate data on the joint toxic actions of components of this mixture; and (3) to make recommendations for exposure-based assessments of the potential impact of joint toxic action of the mixture on public health.
• Arsenic 7440-38-2
• Hydrazines 0302-01-2
• Jet Fuels
• Strontium 7440-24-6
• Strontium-90 7440-24-6
• Trichloroethylene 0079-01-6
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