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Science brief : Detection and transmission of mpox (formerly monkeypox) virus during the 2022 clade IIb outbreak
February 2, 2023
Series: Science brief
Corporate Authors:
Description:Updated February 2, 2023
Updates as of February 2, 2023: Incorporated findings from a growing body of scientific evidence that show some people can spread mpox virus to others from one to four days before symptoms of mpox appear. There is currently no evidence showing that people who never develop symptoms have spread mpox virus to someone else.
Content Notes:Affected Populations and Clinical Presentation -- Mpox Virus in Human Samples other than Skin Rash Lesions and Implications for Transmission -- Detection of Mpox Virus on Surfaces, Materials, and Objects -- Detection and Transmission of Mpox in the Absence of Illness Signs or Symptoms.
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