Acute Vibration Exposure Shifts The Current Perception Threshold Of A? Fibers In A Rat Tail Model Of Vibration - Introduction; Proceedings Of The First American Conference On Human Vibration
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Acute Vibration Exposure Shifts The Current Perception Threshold Of A? Fibers In A Rat Tail Model Of Vibration - Introduction; Proceedings Of The First American Conference On Human Vibration

  • 2006

  • Source: Proceedings of the first American conference on human vibration, June 5-7, 2006, Morgantown, West Virginia. Dong R, Krajnak K, Wirth O, Wu J, eds. Morgantown: WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2006-140, 2006 Jun; :59-60
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    Occupational exposure to hand-arm vibration through the use of powered hand tools can result in reductions in tactile sensitivity, grip strength and manual dexterity. In fact, even acute exposures to vibration cause shifts in vibrotactile thresholds in exposed fingers (2,4,5). Although reductions in tactile sensitivity after acute vibration exposures are transient, cellular changes associated with this shift in sensitivity could lead to the more permanent reductions in tactile sensitivity that are a common symptom of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Methods Animals. Male Sprague Dawley rats (6 weeks of age) were used for all experiments. Animals were housed in AAALAC accredited facilities, and all procedures were approved by the NIOSH Animal Care and Use Committee and were in compliance with the CDC guideline for care and use of laboratory animals. Vibration exposures were performed by restraining rats in a Broome-style restrainer, and securing their tails to the vibration platform using 6 mm wide straps that were placed over the tail every 3 cm. Restraint control animals were treated in an identical manner except that the tail platform was set on isolation blocks instead of a shaker. Tail temperature and current perception thresholds (CPTs). Rats were exposed to 4 h of tail vibration (125 Hz, 49 m/s2), or restraint. Tail temperature was collected prior to and immediately following the exposure using an infra-red camera. Sensory neuron function was assessed by measuring CPTs with a Neurometer (Neurotron, Baltimore, MD). Transcutaneous nerve stimulation was applied to the C10 region of the tail. Three frequencies were used to test specific fiber types (5 Hz - C, 250 Hz - A?, and 2000 Hz - A?). The intensity of the stimulus was automatically increased in small increments until the rat flicked its tail. Tests at each frequency were repeated until the animals displayed 2 responses that were within 2 CPT (or 0.02 mA) of each other (2-4 tests/animal). CPT tests were performed prior to the exposure, immediately following the exposure, and 24 h after the exposure. Data Analyses. Temperatures were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with animal as a random variable. ANCOVAS were used to analyze the CPTs at each frequency. Temperature at the time of the CPT test was used as a covariate, and animal was used as a random variable Results Tail temperatures declined between pre and post exposure (F(1,25) = 62.85, p < 0.001; mean ± sem pre 25.96°C ± 0.42, post 20.71°C ± 0.77), but were back to baseline levels by 24 h after the exposure in both groups of rats. The ANCOVAs demonstrated that exposure to a single bout of vibration did not alter sensitivity of C (5Hz) or A? (250 Hz) fibers to stimulation.
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