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Alternative Title:Protecting yourself from cold stress [Vietnamese]
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Description:Protecting yourself from cold stress [Vietnamese]
Nhöõng coâng nhaân tieáp xuùc vôùi ñieàu kieän cöïc laïnh hoaëc laøm vieäc trong moâi tröôøng laïnh coù theå gaëp nguy cô bò caûm cuùm. Thôøi tieát cöïc laïnh hoaëc aåm öôùt laø moät ñieàu kieän nguy hieåm coù theå gaây ra caùc beänh lyù vaø chaán thöông ngheà nghieäp nhö giaûm thaân nhieät, boûng laïnh, bôït da chaân vaø cöôùc.
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Pages in Document:2 unnumbered pages
Resource Number:DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH) 115 (Vie2012);Thöïc Teá Quan Troïng;NIOSH fast facts;
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