Small Business Assistance Program
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  • Corporate Authors:
  • Description:
    "What are our priorities? The National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health (NIOSH) Small Business Assistance Program works with partners in industry, labor, trade associations, professional organizations, and academia. While the definition of small business is a work in progress, most consider them to typically have fewer than fifty employees. The program focuses on these areas: 1. Conducting research to better prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths in small businesses. 2. Increasing awareness and use of effective interventions for small businesses. What do we do? 1. Research the work environment in small businesses and the barriers to preventing workplace illness, injury, and death. 2. Research the role of intermediaries (such as insurance companies, trade associations, and chambers of commerce) and the best way to partner with them to connect with small businesses. 3. Conduct outreach by giving presentations to small business groups. 4. Foster international collaborations with other small business safety and health leaders through scientific conferences and informal networking. 5. Collaborate and provide support (such as translation or outreach) to other NIOSH programs and outside partners that conduct research that may be helpful to small businesses. What have we accomplished? 1. Published the "Know Your Nailer" nail gun safety videos in English and Spanish. These short, easily accessible videos bring nail gun safety to small businesses. They have been viewed more than 3,000 times. 2. Delivered in-person workplace safety and health presentations to over 400 employers of small enterprises. Topics included safety culture, Total Worker Health, hazard mapping, and heat stress. 3. Demonstrated the use of intermediary organizations (suppliers of goods and services to small businesses) in delivering Total Worker Health activities to 50 small businesses. 4. Published a peer-reviewed journal article on the role of firefighters as intermediaries for delivering workplace safety and health information. 5. Published a peer-reviewed journal article on compliance to safety guidelines specified by convenience store safety ordinances. Compliance was lower among single owner-operator stores compared with corporate/franchise stores. 6. Planned, developed, and promoted the Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) 2017 conference website and promoted the conference. NIOSH is leading this conference with partners to understand the unique needs of small businesses and share strategies for cultivating healthy work environments. What's next? 1. Test different methods for disseminating the NIOSH Ladder Safety App among Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation small business clients. 2. Increase utility of the NIOSH Small Business website in 2017 by adding industry sector-specific content. 3. Publish peer-reviewed scientific journal articles on: A. small construction business intervention needs; and B. Total Worker Health for small business. 4. Present findings on Total Worker Health in small business, defining small businesses, intervention readiness, and implementation of lean product development methodology; and foster collaborations at an international small business conference." - NIOSHTIC-2

    NIOSHTIC no. 20050318


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    1 unnumbered page
  • NIOSHTIC Number:
  • Resource Number:
    DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2017-163
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