Relationship of ovesity and disease in 73,532 weight-conscious women.
1975 Jan-Feb
Source: Public Health Rep. 90(1):44-54
Alternative Title:Public Health Rep
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Description:The relationship between obesity and 18 different disease conditions was examined in a cross-sectional study of 73,000 weight-conscious women (TOPS Club members). The women reported an average of 1.6 disease conditions each (based on their responses on a questionnaire). Age-specific rates of occurrence for the age group 30-49 years were calculated for each disease condition. The conditions that were found to be significantly (P smaller than 0.001) correlated with obesity were diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, gout, thyroid disease, heart disease, arthritis, and jaundice. When the crude relative risks of obesity for each disease condition were calculated, diabetes was found to be the highest (4.5), high blood pressure was second (3.3), and gallbladder disease was third (2.7).
Pubmed ID:803696
Pubmed Central ID:PMCnull
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