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Putting it all together: summary of the NHLBI Workshop on the Epidemiology of Hypertension in Hispanic American, Native American, and Asian/Pacific Islander American Populations.
Source: Public Health Rep. 111(Suppl 2):77-79
Alternative Title:Public Health Rep
Personal Author:
Description:THE AUTHORS OF THIS PAPER SUMMARIZED the major themes that emerged from a 2-day workshop entitled Epidemiology of Hypertension in Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian/Pacific Islander Americans, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in Washington, DC. Data from the papers were synthesized using seven points: similarities, variability within and between groups, lost prevention opportunities, emergence of explanatory variables, differences in types of data collected, missing or inconsistently reported data, and socioeconomic characteristics. Virtually all of the population groups demonstrated rises in blood pressure with age. These rises appear to be largely attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors, for example, high body mass index (BMI). Despite high levels of awareness, the levels of control of high blood pressure were poor in each population studied. Based on the themes that emerged from the data, we presented several recommendations to the workshop. One was that data be collected on these population groups repeatedly and in a standardized fashion. Another called for increased efforts aimed at control of high blood pressure in these groups. A third recommended major nationwide programmatic efforts aimed at the prevention and control of high blood pressure.
Pubmed ID:8898784
Pubmed Central ID:PMCnull
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