Salmonella surveillance annual summary 1963
NOVEMBER 13, 1964
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Description:In April 1962 a program of surveillance of salmonellosis in the United States was jointly established by the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) and the Associations of State and Territorial Epidemiologists and Laboratory Directors. The surveillance activities were assigned to the Investigations and Veterinary Public Health Sections of Epidemiology Branch at CDC. The program, initially instigated on a trial basis, was formalized on January 1, 1963. At this time all 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Salmonella Reference Center at the Beth Israel Hospital, New York City, the Virgin Islands, and the National Animal Disease Laboratory, Ames, Iowa reported isolations of salmonellae from human and nonhuman sources on a weekly basis.
This report summarizes the first full year of salmonella surveillance on a nationwide basis (December 28, 1962 - December 27, 1963). The purpose of the compilation is to present the results without detailed discussion. The report will serve as a prototype for subsequent annual summary data, which will be compiled following each calendar year.
Content Notes:I. Introduction -- II. Materials and Methods -- III. Summary -- IV. Reports of Isolatons from the States: A. Human; B. Nonhuman -- V. Special Report: Waterborne Outbreak of Salmonellosis - Riverside, California -- VI. Food and Feed Surveillance.
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