Alternative Title:# Doing It My Way toolkit;#Doing It My Way toolkit;DoingItMyWay toolkit;
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Description:Doing It is a national HIV testing and prevention campaign within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Act Against AIDS initiative. Doing It aims to reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States, reduce HIV stigma around testing, and encourage all adults 18–64 to start Doing It—testing for HIV—and know their status. Making HIV testing easy, accessible, and routine is one of the keys to prevent new infections. For people who are HIV-negative, testing can serve as the gateway to prevention services, such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for those at high risk. For people with HIV, getting a diagnosis early, starting treatment immediately after diagnosis, and staying in treatment are essential to improving their health outcomes and preventing transmission to others.
This National HIV Testing Day (June 27), Act Against AIDS is launching Doing It My Way, a micro-campaign that makes HIV testing personable and relatable by highlighting how and why people make testing part of their lives—on their terms and in their way.
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