Promoting healthy parenting practices across cultural groups : a CDC research brief
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Description:Promoting Healthy Parenting Practices Across Cultural Groups: A CDC Research Brief summarizes findings from a CDC study on cultural values and parenting and child rearing. The study focused on five cultural groups--African-Americans, American Indians, Asian-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and non-Hispanic Whites. It examined the ways that parents respond to children's behavior and their views of desirable or undesirable parenting practices. Uncovering the differences and commonalities in values, normative practices, and child-rearing goals across cultural groups is an important step in developing culturally-competent and effective programs and support for parents of all cultural backgrounds.
Content Notes:authors, Keri M. Lubell, Teresa Lofton, Helen Harber Singer.
A publication of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, and the Adolescent Goals Team
Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-18)
Lubell KM, Lofton T, Singer HH. Promoting Healthy Parenting Practices Across Cultural Groups: A CDC Research Brief. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2008.
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