Guideline for the prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks in healthcare settings
Last update: February 15, 2017
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Description:Last update: February 15, 2017
Norovirus gastroenteritis infections and outbreaks have been increasingly described and reported in both non- healthcare and healthcare settings during the past several years. In response, several states have developed guidelines to assist both healthcare institutions and communities on preventing the transmission of norovirus infections and helped develop the themes and key questions to answer through an evidence-based review. This guideline addresses prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks in healthcare settings. The guideline also includes specific recommendations for implementation, performance measurement, and surveillance. Recommendations for further research are provided to address knowledge gaps identified during the literature review in the prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks. Guidance for norovirus outbreak management and disease prevention in non-healthcare settings can be found at Updated Norovirus Outbreak Management and Disease Prevention Guidelines (https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/rr6003.pdf).
This document is intended for use by infection prevention staff, physicians, healthcare epidemiologists, healthcare administrators, nurses, other healthcare providers, and persons responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating infection prevention and control programs for healthcare settings across the continuum of care. The guideline can also be used as a resource for societies or organizations that wish to develop more detailed implementation guidance for prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks for specialized settings or populations.
Prevention and Control
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Pages in Document:52 numbered pages
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