National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) implementation manual : a state's guide to starting and operating a violent death reporting system
October 24, 2014
Alternative Title:NVDRS Implementation Manual 2014
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Description:Violence is a major public health problem. Over 57,000 people died violently in the US in 2012, including 40,600 suicides and 17,238 homicides (1). Accurate, timely, and comprehensive surveillance data is needed to better understand and ultimately prevent the occurrence of violent deaths in the United States (2). A variety of public agencies such as law enforcement, coroners, medical examiners, and vital statistics collect information on violent deaths. Information from these sources, however, is not systematically integrated into a single description of a violent death. This results in an incomplete and fragmented description of violent deaths.
The National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) is a state-based surveillance system that links data from law enforcement, coroners, medical examiners, vital death statistics, and crime laboratories to assist each participating state in designing and implementing tailored prevention and intervention efforts (See http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/nvdrs/index.html).
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