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Alternative Title:Protecting yourself from sun exposure [Haitian Creole]
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Description:Protecting yourself from sun exposure [Haitian Creole]
Nenpòt moun k ap travay deyò nan lanati ekspoze nan reyon iltravyolè (UV) solèy la. Reyon UV yo se yon pati limyè solèy la ki se yon fòm radyasyon envizib. Gen twa (3) kalite reyon UV. UVA ka domaje tisi konjonktif yo, epi li ka ogmante risk pou gen kansè po. UVB antre mwen fon nan po a, men li toujou kapab lakòz kèk kalite kansè po. UVC natirèl absòbe nan atmosfè a, epi li pa reprezante yon risk.
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Pages in Document:2 unnumbered pages
Resource Number:Piblikasyon DHHS (NIOSH) Nimewo 2010–116 (Hat2012);DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH) 2010-116;NIOSH men kèk enfòmasyon;NIOSH fast facts;
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