NIOSH Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Program
May 2016
Series: NIOSH Numbered Publications
Journal Article:DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH)
Corporate Authors:
Description:The Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities (TWU) Program pro- vides leadership to eliminate occupa- tional injuries, illnesses and fatalities among workers in these industries. This snapshot shows recent accom- plishments and upcoming work.
What are our priorities? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities (TWU) Program works with partners in industry, labor, trade associations, professional organizations, and academia. The program focuses on these areas: 1. Reducing traumatic injuries and deaths among TWU workers. 2. Reducing musculoskeletal disorders among TWU workers. 3. Improving overall health and well-being of TWU workers. 4. Reducing TWU worker exposure to chemical, biological and physical occupational hazards. What do we do? 1. Use surveillance data on the TWU sector to guide research and prevention efforts. 2. Research effective programs to prevent musculoskeletal disorders for the TWU sector. 3. Research healthy behaviors, work-related physical and mental stressors, and health care use strategies. Findings can be used by employers and others to promote worker health and safety. 4. Assess exposures to chemical, biological and physical hazards and develop methods that can be used by workers, employers, manufacturers and regulators to reduce worker exposures. 5. Work with partners and the TWU Sector Council to widely disseminate research findings and prevention recommendations. What have we accomplished? 1. Published findings of a national survey of long-haul truck drivers that found 14% are at increased risk of injury and death because they do not use seat belts on every trip. This new information was covered widely in the media. 2. Published body shape and size data of current truck drivers that can be used to design safer truck cabs. Conducted outreach to manufacturers and designers. 3. Based on NIOSH recommendations, a large trucking company and transportation insurer implemented and publicized health programs to help truck drivers manage their weight in light of the healthy eating and exercising challenges that truck drivers face. 4. Launched the "Long-haul Truck Drivers" topic webpage that describes common health problems, related research, and resources on practices and programs to improve long-haul truck driver safety and health. The page has received over 1,700 visits in its first 10 months. 5. Contributed to and helped disseminate guidance on protecting workers in the air transportation and wastewater industries from potential Ebola exposure. What's next? 1. Publish a peer-reviewed journal article on truck driver sleep patterns and driving performance. 2. Publish an air industry trade journal article that describes NIOSH-recommended strategies to reduce musculoskeletal disorders. 3. Publish a computer-based fatigue prevention program to be used by aviation companies and pilots. 4. Publish a NIOSH Science Blog post on the effects of vehicle and seat design on passenger whole body vibration exposures.
NIOSHTIC No 20048133
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Pages in Document:1 unnumbered page
NIOSHTIC Number:20048133
Resource Number:DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2016-156
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