NIOSH Center for Workers' Compensation Studies
May 2016
Journal Article:DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH)
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Description:The Center for Workers’ Compensation Studies uses workers’ compensation data and systems to improve workplace safety and health. This snapshot shows recent accomplishments and upcoming work.
What are our priorities? The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Center for Workers' Compensation Studies works with partners in industry, labor, trade associations, professional organizations, and academia. The program focuses on these areas: 1. Expanding use of state-level workers' compensation claims data for research and prevention. 2. Identifying and communicating interventions most effective at preventing illness and injury. 3. Encouraging collaborations between the public health and workers' compensation communities. What do we do? 1. Build the capacity of states to use workers' compensation claims data for prevention purposes through grants, partnerships, and technical assistance. 2. Evaluate approaches to preventing illness and injury by working with workers' compensation insurers. 3. Distribute information on the most effective prevention approaches for insurers, state workers' compensation bureaus, and state departments of health. This primarily includes interventions to prevent injuries, but it also includes best practices for treatment of illness and injury, and issues related to return-to-work. 4. Host webinars and meetings to encourage communication between workers' compensation and public health partners. What have we accomplished? 1. Awarded grants to California and Massachusetts for building collaborations between state departments of health and workers' compensation bureaus. The agencies within each state will work to use claims data to focus efforts on preventing illness and injury. 2. Expanded a partnership with the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation to evaluate and communicate interventions through the Bureau's Safety Intervention Grant. This grant provided $15 million to more than 500 employers in 2015. 3. Hosted a webinar, and published a NIOSH Science Blog post on preventing prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs are being used more often to treat injured workers. Narcotics account for 25% of drug costs in workers' compensation claims. 4. Hosted six webinars in 2015 where outside speakers shared uses of workers' compensation data and systems to improve safety and health. A key webinar on Disability Prevention Research had more than 200 attendees. 5. Helped public health attendees at the WestON surveillance conference connect with state-based insurers from California, Oregon, and Colorado to explore partnership opportunities. What's next? 1. Submit to peer-reviewed journals the first of a series of papers analyzing illness and injury trends using workers' compensation data in Ohio. 2. Form a "surveillance" e-mail listserv group to continue outreach to other state bureaus and departments of health to share best practices for data linkage, auto-coding, and data-dashboards. 3. Fund up to three more states as part of the NIOSH workers' compensation grant. 4. Complete a study to better understand the impact of insurer systems to control work-place injury and illness risks. 5. Host at least six webinars in 2016. 6. Maintain and update a NIOSH webpage on preventing prescription drug abuse. 7. Connect other CDC programs with state workers’ compensation bureaus to build on each other's work to prevent prescription drug abuse. This includes limiting narcotics availability, educating health-care providers on responsible prescribing, and increasing awareness among injured workers. 8. Publish a NIOSH Science Blog post following up on the popular Disability Prevention Research webinar. 9. Develop a "dissemination and research" e-mail listserv of insurers and public health officials willing to share opportunities for research and dissemination.
NIOSHTIC No 20160501
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