NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile : Chlordane and technical grade chlordane [CAS No. 57-74-9; 12789-03-6]
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NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile : Chlordane and technical grade chlordane [CAS No. 57-74-9; 12789-03-6]

Filetype[PDF-413.24 KB]



  • Alternative Title:
    NIOSH skin notation profile
  • Journal Article:
    DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH)
  • Personal Author:
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  • Description:
    Although the predictive mathematical model did not indicate that the chemical can be absorbed through the skin, limited toxicokinetic data [Wester et al. 1992] were identified that provide evidence of the potential of chlordane to be absorbed through the skin following dermal exposure. Evidence was identified from data on acute dermal toxicity in rats [Gaines 1969] and from repeated-dose studies [Frings and O'Tousa 1950], with support from oral toxicity studies [Khasawinah and Grutsch 1989a, 1989b], to indicate that chlordane is absorbed through the skin, is systemically available and toxic, and has the potential to cause neurological and liver effects and decreased survival. Insufficient data were available to adequately evaluate the potential for chlordane to cause direct skin effects or skin sensitization. Therefore, on the basis of these assessments, chlordane is assigned a composite skin notation of SK: SYS. Table 3 summarizes the skin hazard designations for chlordane previously issued by NIOSH and other organizations. The equivalent dermal designations for chlordane, according to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, is Acute Toxicity Category 4 (Hazard statement: Harmful in contact with the skin) [European Parliament 2008].

    Suggested citation: NIOSH [2015]. NIOSH skin notation profile: Chlordane. By Hudson NL, Dotson GS. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2015-229.

    NIOSHTIC No 20046841


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  • Pages in Document:
    10 numbered pages
  • NIOSHTIC Number:
  • Resource Number:
    DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2015-229
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