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Development of a cobinamide-based end-of-service-life indicator for detection of hydrogen cyanide gas
Dec 31 2015
Source: Sens Actuators B Chem. 221:379-385.
Alternative Title:Sens Actuators B Chem
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Description:We describe an inexpensive paper-based sensor for rapid detection of low concentrations (ppm) of hydrogen cyanide gas. A piece of filter paper pre-spotted with a dilute monocyanocobinamide [CN(H2O)Cbi] solution was placed on the end of a bifurcated optical fiber and the reflectance spectrum of the CN(H2O)Cbi was monitored during exposure to 1.0-10.0 ppm hydrogen cyanide gas. Formation of dicyanocobinamide yielded a peak at 583 nm with a simultaneous decrease in reflectance from 450-500 nm. Spectral changes were monitored as a function of time at several relative humidity values: 25, 50, and 85% relative humidity. With either cellulose or glass fiber papers, spectral changes occurred within 10 s of exposure to 5.0 ppm hydrogen cyanide gas (NIOSH recommended short-term exposure limit). We conclude that this sensor could provide a real-time end-of-service-life alert to a respirator user.
Pubmed ID:26213448
Pubmed Central ID:PMC4511729
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