Alternative Title:NIVDP newsletter
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Description:The NIVDP Partners Finish the 2014-2015 Flu Season with Impressive Results.
In this issue, we spotlight the successful role that trusted messengers, local influencers, resource-sharing and the media played in motivating over 15,000 medically underserved people to get vaccinated against the flu. These efforts include:
• Hispanic promotion efforts tied to the Yo Me Vacuno (I Get Vaccinated) campaign that resulted in 95 flu vaccination promotion events held in 15 target markets including Miami, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Seattle, Washington;
• African American partner efforts tied to the Flu Talk campaign that resulted in over 100 flu vaccination promotion events in cities such as Birmingham, Alabama; Miami Gardens, Florida; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Baltimore, Maryland;
• American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) partners who shared innovative Protect the Circle of Life resources with their clients and allied organizations, such as radio PSAs, and the flu IQ quiz; and
• National and minority media partners, grassroots leaders and public health officials, who sustained support during the flu season generated placements in the top-tier media markets and resulted in 44 million media impressions.
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