The health consequences of involuntary smoking : a report of the Surgeon General, 1986
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CDC STACKS serves as an archival repository of CDC-published products including scientific findings, journal articles, guidelines, recommendations, or other public health information authored or co-authored by CDC or funded partners. As a repository, CDC STACKS retains documents in their original published format to ensure public access to scientific information.

The health consequences of involuntary smoking : a report of the Surgeon General, 1986

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  • Description:
    This, the 1986 Report of the Surgeon General, is the U.S. Public Health Service's 18th in the health consequences of smoking series and the 5th issued during my tenure as Surgeon General. Previous Reports have documented the tremendous health burden to society from smoking, particularly cigarette smoking. The evidence establishing cigarette smoking as the single largest preventable cause of premature death and disability in the United States is overwhelming-totaling more than 50,000 studies from dozens of cultures. Smoking is now known to be causally related to a variety of cancers in addition to lung cancer; it is a cause of cardiovascular disease, particularly coronary heart disease, and is the major cause of chronic obstructive lung disease. It is estimated that smoking is responsible for well over 800,000 deaths annually in the United States, representing approximately 15 percent of all mortality. Thirty years ago, however, the scientific evidence linking smoking with early death and disability was more limited. By 1964, the year the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General issued the first report on smoking and health, a substantial body of evidence had accumulated upon which a judgment could be made that smoking was a cause of disease in active smokers. Subsequent reports over the last 20 years have expanded our understanding and knowledge about smoking behavior, the toxicity and carcinogenicity of tobacco smoke, and the specific disease risks resulting from exposure to this agent. This Report is the first issued since 1964 that identifies a chronic disease risk resulting from exposure to tobacco smoke for individuals other than smokers. It is now clear that disease risk due to the inhalation of tobacco smoke is not limited to the individual who is smoking, but can extend to those who inhale tobacco smoke emitted into the air. This Report represents a detailed review of the health effects resulting from nonsmoker exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). ETS is the combination of smoke emitted from a burning tobacco product between puffs (sidestream smoke) and the smoke exhaled by the smoker. The 1986 Report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, is a critical review of all the available scientific evidence pertaining to the health effects of ETS exposure on nonsmokers. The term "involuntary smoking" is used to note that such exposures often occur as an unavoidable consequence of being in close proximity to smokers.
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    Includes bibliographical references and index.
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    print; xix, 359 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
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