Occupational exposure to cresol
March 1978
Corporate Authors:
Description:"Criteria for a recommended standard occupational exposure to Dinitro- ortho-cresol (534521) (DNOC) have been established, and are presented. Criteria and recommendations for DNOC apply to exposure to any DNOC isomer or to any salts of DNOC. The 4,6 isomer of DNOC is of particular commercial importance as a blossom thinning agent on fruit trees and as a fungicide, insecticide, and miticide on fruit trees during the dormant season. Occupational injury and disease caused by exposure to DNOC are from inhalation or dermal contact with the aerosol form. Concentration in workplace air on a time weighted average for a 40 hr week can be no more than 0.2mg/m3. Methods for medical examinations, including types of clinical tests, and their frequency for workers are given. Required labels and their posting procedures are shown. Necessary personal protective equipment includes items for eye protection, skin protection and respiratory protection. Regulations for informing employees of hazards are given. Work practices for the manufacture and formulation of DNOC are described. Sanitation and recordkeeping are also discussed." - NIOSHTIC-2
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