Truck Driver and Company President Electrocuted After Crane Boom Contacts Powerline– West Virginia
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Description:This report concerns the death of a 20-year-old male truck driver and a 70-year-old company president who were electrocuted when the boom of a truck mounted crane contacted an overhead powerline. The employer was a concrete products company that had been in business for about 11 years, employing 14 workers, three of whom were truck drivers. The truck driver who died had been with the company for 8 months. The driver was attempting to unload concrete blocks at a residential construction site. The truck was parked at an angle on a steep slope. Two other men, one the president of the company, watched as the driver used a handheld remote-control unit. The tip of the crane boom contacted one of the conductors of the 7,200-volt overhead line, completing a path to ground through the truck, the remote-control unit and the driver. The driver fell backward in flames. The company president, running to help instantly, apparently came into contact with the truck as well and was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver died from third degree electrical burns over 98% of his body. It is recommended that employers ensure that workers comply with standards for safe use of cranes near overhead powerlines, that alternative work procedures be evaluated to address site specific hazards, and that employers consider retrofitting cranes with electrically isolated control systems.
FACE - NIOSH and State:
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Pages in Document:4 pdf pages
NIOSHTIC Number:216266
NTIS Accession Number:PB94-117900
Citation:Morgantown, : U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Federal Fiscal Year:1993
Peer Reviewed:False
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Start Date:1993/03/31
Resource Number:FACE-93-14
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