Recent declines in teenage birth rates in the United States : variations by state, 1990-94
December 19, 1996
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Description:Objectives—This report presents teenage birth rates by State for 1990–94. Rates for the United States for 1970–94 are shown to put the State changes in perspective. U.S. rates for 1990–94 are shown by race and Hispanic origin of mother and for teenage subgroups 15–17 and 18–19 years as well as for teenagers 15–19 years. Also presented in the same detail are birth rates by mother’s State of residence for 1994 and birth rates for teenage subgroups by State for 1990–94.
Methods—Descriptive tabulations of birth rates for teenagers for the United States and by State are presented and explained.
Results—After increasing from 1990 to 1991, birth rates declined for American teenagers during the years 1991–94; rates fell 3 percent each for teenagers 15–17 and 18–19 years. Preliminary data indicate that the birth rate for teenagers 15–19 years continued to decline in 1995, with a total decline of about 8 percent during the 1991–95 period. The largest declines were reported for black teenagers, with smaller declines measured for non-Hispanic white teenagers. Rates for Hispanic teenagers increased slightly. Declines from 1991 to 1994 were reported for the majority of the States.
Suggested citation: Ventura SJ, Clarke SC, Mathews TJ. Recent declines in teenage birth rates in the United States: Variations by State, 1990–94. Monthly vital statistics report; vol 45 no 5, supp. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics. 1996.
7-0039 (12/96)
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