Injuries among farm workers in the United States, 1995
May, 2001
Series: NIOSH Numbered Publications
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Description:"The Traumatic Injury Surveillance of Farmers (TISF) survey project is the first national surveillance project in over 15 years to provide injury data for the entire agricultural production industry (i.e., farms). These data provide sufficient detail to work injuries. This document, the third in a series of three publications, summarizes nonfatal lost-time work injury estimates for the agricultural production industry for 1995. Major findings from the 1995 TISF include: (1) An estimated total of 195,825 lost-time work injuries occurred on U.S. farms in 1995, after adjustment for non-response in the survey. This represents an incidence rate for all farming operations of 6.8 injuries/200,000 hours worked (200,000 hours is equivalent to 100 full-time workers). (2) The highest injury rates were associated with beef, hog, or sheep operations (10.2 injuries/200,000 hours worked), followed by cash grain operations (7.6 injuries/200,000 hours worked), nursery operations (7.3 injuries/200,000 hours worked), and field crop operation (5.8 injuries/200,000 hours worked). (3) The greatest number of injuries were in beef, hog, or sheep operations (43.3 percent), followed by cash grain operations (17.1 percent), vegetable, fruit, or nut operations (10.9 percent), and dairy operations (8.9 percent). (4) The leading causes of lost-time work injuries on farms were machinery, excluding farm tractors (21.3 percent), livestock (20.0 percent), and working surfaces (8.5 percent). Farm tractors accounted for 4.1 percent of these nonfatal injuries. (5) The injuries typically occurred to the workers'' leg, knee, or hip (17.4 percent), back (14.4 percent), fingers (13.2 percent), or their arm or shoulder (12.9 percent). (6) Sprains and strains (28.2 percent) accounted for the largest number of lost-time injuries, followed by fractures (17.4 percent), lacerations (15.2 percent), and bruises (15.2 percent). (7) Farm operators and their family members accounted for most of the injuries (63.8 percent) reported in the 1995 TISF. (8) Injured workers were usually male (88.8 percent), and the race or ethnic origin of the worker was typically white (81.3 percent). Hispanics accounted for the second highest number of injuries (16.8 percent). (9) Of the estimated 131,540 injured family workers, 98.6 percent were white, with 52 percent of the injured family members working on beef, hog, or sheep operations. The estimated injury rate for family workers on all farms was 8.3 injuries/200,000 hours. (10) Of the estimated 59,888 injuries among hired workers, Hispanics accounted for 51.9 percent, with 25 percent of the injured workers working on beef, hog, or sheep operations. The injury rate for hired workers on all farms was 4.9 injuries/200,000 hours. The tables of farm injury statistics contained in this documents are designed as a resource for safety and health professionals and researchers to answer the major questions about farm-related work injuries. Farm injury statistics for 1995 are provided for the nation, major regions, and selected states. The content of this document fills a critical information gap by providing detailed data on agricultural injuries in the U.S." - NIOSHTIC-2
Content Notes:Chiefly tables.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 10).
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Pages in Document:print; viii, 338 p. : forms ; 28 cm.
Resource Number:DHHS publication ; no. (NIOSH) 2001-153
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