Synthetic fluorspar flux in the basic cupola : evaluation of operation and fluorine volatility
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Description:"The Bureau of Mines evaluated synthetic fluorspar as a substitute for natural fluorspar flux in basic cupola ironmaking. The synthetic fluorspars tested were prepared from waste fluosilicic acid generated during the processing of fluorapatite ore. The cupola trials showed the synthetic products to be the equivalent of natural fluorspar from an operational standpoint. However, wet scrubber sampling showed that substantial losses of volatilized fluorine occurred from the cupola during operation. The losses during synthetic fluorspar trials considerably exceeded those from natural fluorspar trials. Laboratory viscosity testing, using a high-temperature rotational viscometer, confirmed this finding and indicated that fluorspar volatility in slags is related to slag basicity. Snythetic fluorspar is accordingly recommended more for highly basic cupola operation (>1.3 Basicity) than for neutral or acid operation, because of the increased potential for pollution and baghouse filter deterioration." - NIOSHTIC-2
NIOSHTIC no. 10003057
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