Development and validation of a biomonitoring method to measure As, Cr, and Ni in human urine samples by ICP-UCT-MS
5 2021
Source: Int J Hyg Environ Health. 234:113713
Alternative Title:Int J Hyg Environ Health
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Description:We developed an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method using Universal Cell Technology (UCT) with a PerkinElmer NexION ICP-MS, to measure arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) in human urine samples. The advancements of the UCT allowed us to expand the calibration range to make the method applicable for both low concentrations of biomonitoring applications and high concentrations that may be observed from acute exposures and emergency response. Our method analyzes As and Ni in kinetic energy discrimination (KED) mode with helium (He) gas, and Cr in dynamic reaction cell (DRC) mode with ammonia (NH|) gas. The combination of these elements is challenging because a carbon source, ethanol (EtOH), is required for normalization of As ionization in urine samples, which creates a spectral overlap (|Ar|C|) on |Cr. This method additionally improved lab efficiency by combining elements from two of our previously published methods(Jarrett et al., 2007; Quarles et al., 2014) allowing us to measure Cr and Ni concentrations in urine samples collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) beginning with the 2017-2018 survey cycle. We present our rigorous validation of the method selectivity and accuracy using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Materials (SRM), precision using in-house prepared quality control materials, and a discussion of the use of a modified UCT, a BioUCell, to address an ion transmission phenomenon we observed on the NexION 300 platform when using higher elemental concentrations and high cell gas pressures. The rugged method detection limits, calculated from measurements in more than 60 runs, for As, Cr, and Ni are 0.23 μg L-1, 0.19 μg L-1, and 0.31 μg L-1, respectively.
Pubmed ID:33621861
Pubmed Central ID:PMC8134962
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