Refuge chamber expectations and training : instructor guide and lesson plansĀ
October 2009
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Description:Manual accompanying a CD-ROM.
"Refuge Chamber Expectations Training was created by a multidisciplinary team at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to inform miners of what to expect psychologically and physically if it became necessary to use a refuge chamber in a mine emergency. The presentation can be used either for one large group or for individual miners. The training is a multimedia Adobe Flash presentation containing pictures, audio, video, and interviews with miners who have used a refuge chamber in an emergency. It must be run on a computer with Adobe Flash Player installed (refer to the computer system requirements section). Purpose: The purpose of this training presentation is to teach underground miners what to expect if they need to use a refuge chamber. Refuge chambers are a new technology that many miners find unfamiliar. Therefore, this training will expose miners to what it might be like psychologically and physically to be inside a refuge chamber over a period of time. Target Audience: This material has been designed for underground miners at all skill levels. It can be integrated into required new miner training courses, annual refresher courses, or any other mine site training. Requirements for Teaching This Module: 1. If this training is part of a Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) required course, an approved instructor and/or content expert must deliver the training. 2. Basic computer skills (keyboard, mouse, connect computer to LCD projector). 3. If streaming this program from the internet, ability to download information from the internet is necessary. Intended Use: The training is flexible in that it can be used for individuals or for a large group. In either case, it is recommended that discussion of the topic be included with the viewing of the multimedia presentation. Questions are provided to help prompt discussion. These discussion questions can be used to begin the class or after viewing the presentation. In the case of group training, the trainer can stop to allow for discussion at any point before advancing to the next slide. For individual training, discussion should be led before or after all individuals have completed the training on their individual computers. The instructor should have prior knowledge of refuge chambers and the specific type of refuge chamber at the individual mine. This will allow the instructor to give specific information about the refuge chamber's location, type, size, and interior. An instructor manual and lesson plans are provided in this booklet. These should be used as guides for the trainer to use during the training session." - NIOSHTIC-2
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