Wildfire smoke and COVID-19 : frequently asked questions and resources for air resource advisors and other environmental health professionals
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Wildfire smoke and COVID-19 : frequently asked questions and resources for air resource advisors and other environmental health professionals

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  • Corporate Authors:
  • Description:
    The purpose of this document is to provide Air Resource Advisors and other environmental health professionals with key messages about wildfire smoke and COVID-19. It also provides resources that can be given to communities affected by wildfire smoke during community spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

    Respiratory symptoms such as dry cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing are common to both wildfire smoke exposure and COVID-19.

  • Content Notes:
    Why do people need to consider COVID-19 along with wildfire smoke? -- Who is most at risk from wildfire smoke? -- Who else is at risk from wildfire smoke during the COVID-19 pandemic? -- How are symptoms from wildfire smoke exposure different from symptoms of COVID-19? -- Where can I find information about current air quality and COVID-19 in my area? -- What actions can I take to minimize potential health impacts from wildfire smoke? -- Can masks and face coverings reduce wildfire smoke exposure? -- What else can I do to stay healthy if it gets smoky this wildfire season? -- What actions can I take if I must evacuate? -- Resources -- Additional information about COVID-19 -- Information about the health effects of wildfire smoke and reducing exposure to wildfire smoke -- Air quality, wildfire information, smoke forecasts, and information on vulnerable populations -- Research about air pollution and SARS mortality -- Research about air pollution and COVID-19.
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