Fire-Generated Smoke Rollback Through Cross Cut From Return To Intake - Experimental And CFD Study
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Description:Two mine-fire experiments were conducted in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) Safety Research Coal Mine (SRCM) at the Pittsburgh Research Laboratory (PRL) which demonstrated that smoke from diesel-fuel fires of 500 kW and 660 kW heat-release rates in a return airway can develop, without causing a complete air flow reversal, into a roof layer that can migrate upwind forming a counter flow to the primary airflow in a crosscut. Subsequently, smoke can penetrate into an intake airway and create a hazardous atmosphere in the intake airway upwind from the fire. Visibility conditions less than 13 m were created by the smoke in the intake airway downwind from the crosscut. Modeling of the event with a three-dimensional, time-dependent, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program correctly represented the smoke movement.
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