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Description:To accompany the Faces of Black Lung II video, this PDF booklet provides information about the video and related images. Faces of Black Lung II is a follow-up to the Faces of Black Lung I video. Faces of Black Lung II is an informational video with commentary from medical experts and testimonials with miners that have the disease who are younger (30s & 40s) than the miners who appeared in the first “Faces” video (50s). The miner’s stories provide the full impact of this disease that is still a very serious risk to coal miners today.
"There are currently about 42,000 underground coal miners actively working in the United States. Mining and the production of coal is crucial to our Nation's economy and we must protect the health of every miner. Every year, about 1,000 miners die from coal workers' pneumoconiosis or 'black lung disease' caused by exposure to coal mine dust. Black lung disease continues to occur today, but that does not need to happen. Black lung disease and death are entirely preventable. In this video you will hear from two coal miners. Both of these miners have been diagnosed with this devastating disease. They want to share their stories and provide a little insight on how their lives have changed due to this disease." - NIOSHTIC 2
NIOSHTIC no. 20058350
Suggested Citation: NIOSH [2020]. Faces of Black Lung II. By Wolfe A, Yancheski M, Halldin C. Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2020‒109,
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Pages in Document:1 unnumbered page
NIOSHTIC Number:20058350
Resource Number:DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2020-109
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