Revision Of ANSI S3.34 (2.70-2006) - Guide For The Measurement And Evaluation Of Human Exposure To Vibration Transmitted To The Hand - Introduction; Proceedings Of The First American Conference On Human Vibration
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Revision Of ANSI S3.34 (2.70-2006) - Guide For The Measurement And Evaluation Of Human Exposure To Vibration Transmitted To The Hand - Introduction; Proceedings Of The First American Conference On Human Vibration

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    Intense vibration can be transmitted to the hands and arms of workers who use hand-held percussive or vibrating devices, tools, and work pieces. Continued habitual exposure to vibration directed to the hands can cause patterns of various symptoms associated with hand-arm vibration syndrome (HVAS). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) first published ISO 5349 in 1986.3 This standard specified methods for measuring and evaluating vibration directed into the hands from hand-held vibrating devices, tools, and work pieces. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published ANSI S3.34 the same year.1 This standard was modeled after ISO 5349-1986 and specified methods for assessing exposure to hand-arm vibration. The Parliament of the European Union has issued the European Union Human Vibration Directive-2002/44/EC, which specifies vibration daily exposure action values (DEAV) of 2.5 m/s2 and daily exposure limit values (DELV) of 5.0 m/s2. These values have generally been accepted by medical experts, scientists, and engineers in governmental agencies, research institutions, and industry in the USA and other countries.2 When they are achieved, they will reduce the potential for the development of symptoms related to HAVS among workers exposed to hand-arm vibration. Significant improvements in measurement and analysis instrumentation, miniature and subminiature accelerometers, and medical diagnostic and assessment protocols have being introduced since 1986 when ANSI S3.34 was first published. In response to these improvements and the introduction of the EU Human Vibration Directive, ANSI Working Group S2.39 developed the revision to ANSI S3.34, which has now been published as ANSI S2.70-2006.2 Method ANSI S2.70 specifies the use of the hand-arm vibration measurement procedures outlined in ISO 5349, Parts 1 and 2.2,4,5 It requires the measurement of ISO frequency-weighted acceleration values in three mutually orthogonal axes of vibration. These values are then vectorially added to obtain the vibration total value, ahv: [ ] where ahwx, ahwy, and ahwz are the measured r.m.s. ISO frequency-weighted acceleration values in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. If multiple vibration exposure events are experienced during a work day, the overall vibration total value is obtained from: [ ] where ahvi is the vibration total value of the ith operation, Ti is time duration in hours of the ith operation, n is the total number of operations, and T is total time in hours associated with the n
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