Reported incidence of selected notifiahle diseases : United States, each division and state, 1920-1950
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Reported incidence of selected notifiahle diseases : United States, each division and state, 1920-1950

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  • Description:
    The large number of requests for data on notifiable diseases for the country as a whole and for individual States in time series prompted the preparation af this summary report. Since it is intended to show insofar as possible the reported incidence in the country as a whole, it was arbitrarily decided to use 1920 as the starting point for this report. Figures were available for comparatively few States prior to 1920 since many States had not made reporting of communicable diseases compulsory.

    The diseases selected for inclusion in this report are those for which data on a national basis are frequently requested and also sane which are emerging as public health problems, such as infectious bepatitis, leptospirosis, and Q fever. Data for the latter are available only for a few years and are relatively incomplete,

  • Content Notes:
    l. Amebiasis -- 2. Antbrax -- 3. Bacillary dysentery -- 4. Botulism -- 5. Brucellosis {undulant fever) -- 6. Dengue -- 7. Diphtheria -- 8. Infectious hepatitis -- 9. Acute infectious encephalitis -- 10. Leprosy -- 11. Leptospirosis -- 12. Malaria -- 13. Meningococcal infections -- 14. Psittacosis and ornithosis -- 15. Acute poliomyelitis -- 16. Q fever -- 17. Measles -- 18. Tetanus -- 19. Rabies in animals -- 20. Rabies in man {registered deaths) -- 21. Rocky Mountain spotted fever -- 22. Scarlet fever and streptococcal sore tbroat -- 23. Smallpox -- 24. Trachoma -- 25. Trichiniasis -- 26. Tularemia -- 27. Tuberculosis, all forms -- 28. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever~ -- 29. Typhoid fever -- 30. Paratyphoid fever -- 31. Endemic typhus (murine) -- 32. Whooping cough (pertussis) -- 33. Plague.
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