Ride Motion Effects On The Accuracy Of Rapid Pointing Tasks - Introduction; Proceedings Of The First American Conference On Human Vibration
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Description:Reaching movements are planned and subsequently executed [1] using visual and somatosensory feedbacks [2], where absence of visual feedback is known to increase endpoint variability [3]. Visual occlusion decreases the ability to make rapid online compensatory movements, which results in initial radial deviations that are highly correlated with radial dispersion at the target. Perturbations of rapid, visually-guided reaches are compensated on-line and result in endpoint dispersions poorly correlated with initial deviations, emphasizing the strong effect of visual feedback in temporally-constrained reaching tasks. In control conditions (no vibration), these uncompensated, rapid reaches serve as estimates of the individual s intended trajectory. When ride motion is present, trajectories of rapid, visually-occluded reaches provide a measure of the natural biodynamic response of the cantilevered spine-arm-hand linkage. These intended movement trajectories and the biodynamic response (vibration feedthrough) are used to predict the effect of ride motion on the performance of rapid reaching tasks. Goals of this study are to investigate the influences of vehicle motion on human reaching and pointing, and to reveal movement strategies used in visually-occluded reaching tasks. Methods A six degree of freedom human-rated Ride Motion Simulator (RMS) was used to generate a dynamic vehicle environment. Participants performed discrete, rapid pointing tasks to targets presented on three touchpanel displays under stationary and random whole-body vibration. Reach instructions included successfully reaching identical circular targets ( = 0.25 ) with the right index fingertip as fast as possible. Targets were presented on resistive-touch displays mounted approximately 60 cm from the participant s nasion. The touchpanel displays were located in the forward and lateral directions at eye level, and forward at 45 of elevation. These displays measured the spatial error of the reach destination. A ten-camera VICON motion capture system recorded the upper body kinematics of the participant. Reflective markers were placed on the participant s torso, head, and arms. Initial kinematics of the fingertip (i.e. time and magnitude peak tangential velocity) and tangential velocity at target were used to estimate the planned endpoint of the reach. Results and Discussion Ride motion resulted in increased endpoint variability compared to reaches performed in the stationary condition. Reaches to the elevated touchpanel consistently resulted in the largest variability across all motion conditions, suggesting that a vehicle occupant would not be capable of accurately activating a control in that location. Principal axes of endpoint ellipses were along and perpendicular to the direction of fingertip movements. Example graphs of endpoint variability with ellipses containing 95% of the data points are shown in Figure 1. These ellipses
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