Georgia Reproductive Health Survey, 1999
October, 2001
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Description:This Georgia Reproductive Health Survey (GERHS) is the first national population-based survey of women s reproductive health. Areas of focus include: fertility, women s reproductive practices, maternal care, maternal and child mortality, health behaviors, and attitudes toward certain reproductive health issues. n=7,798 women 15-44.
In the early 1990s, Georgia entered a long period of dramatic changes as it moved from a centralized, totalitarian government, characteristic of the U.S.S.R, to an autonomous administrative, economical, political, and socio-cultural system whose priorities are state capacity building, transition to a democratic society, and development of a market economy. Since its independence from the Soviet Union in April 1991, Georgia has gone through a conflict with secessionist regions in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and a civil war. During these challenging years, Georgia faced divisive ethnic disputes, economic hardships, and profound societal transformation, including rapid deterioration of the health care sector. The status of women's health in Georgia has suffered greatly during the last decade. The 1999 Reproductive Health Survey (99GERHS), the first population based national survey of this type ever conducted in Georgia, documented poor reproductive health indicators compared with other Eastern European and former Soviet Union countries.
The 99GERHS, conducted by the National Center for Disease Control, Tbilisi, with technical assistance from the Division of Reproductive Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (DRH/CDC), interviewed a sample of 7,798 women 15-44 years of age, including an oversample of 1,655 internally displaced women living in government facilities. The oversample was applied for a programmatic reason—to evaluate the reproductive health status of the internally displaced women at the end of the reproductive health program implemented by UNHCR since 1994—and a methodologic reason— to ensure that the survey sample represent all women in Georgia, living either in residential dwellings or internally displaced housed in non-residential government facilities. The overall response rate was 99%. The survey was designed to collect information from a representative sample of reproductive-age women throughout Georgia. The questionnaire covered a wide range of topics related to reproductive health for all women regardless of marital status and included additional questions on family-life education and sexual behavior for women aged 15-24 years.
The 1999/2000 Georgian Reproductive Health Survey (99GERHS) was conducted by the Georgian Center for Disease Control (NCDC), in collaboration with the Georgian Ministry of Labor Health and Social Affairs (MOLHSA) and the Center for Medical Statistics and Information (CMSI). Technical assistance in survey design, sampling, questionnaire development, training, data processing, and report writing was provided by the Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drs. Nick Nutsubidze and Paata Imnadze from the MOLHSA and NCDC, respectively, and Dr. Fiorina Serbanescu and Dr. Leo Morris from the DRH/CDC were principal investigators.
Most of the funding for the 99GERHS was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID PASA DPE-3038-X-HC-1015-00), the United Nations Population Fund, and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
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