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Office visits to cardiovascular specialists : National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey : United States, 1975-76
October 31, 1978
Personal Author:
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Description:Using data from the NationaI Ambulatory MedicaI Care Survey (NAMCS), this report de- scribes an estimated 13,517,000 visits made to the offices of cardiovascular specialists over the 2-year span from January 1975 through December 1976. NAMCS is a sample survey designed to explore the provision and utilization of ambulatory care in the physician’s office, the setting where most Americans seek health care. The survey is conducted annualIy throughout the coterminous United States by the Division of Health Resources Utilization Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics. The survey sample is seIected from doctors of medicine and osteopathy who are principally engaged in office-based patient-care practice. Excluded from the sample are an in- determinate number of physicians who render some office-based ambulatory care but whose patient-care activities are secondary to another primary role such as teaching, research, or administration. AIso excluded from the NAMCS scope are physicians who are hospital-based; those whose speciaIty is anesthesiology, pathology, or radiology; and physicians in the Federal Service.
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Pages in Document:7 numbered pages
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