Interim guidance for a public health response to contain novel or targeted multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs)
Updated January 2019
Corporate Authors:
Description:Updated January 2019
This document is intended for use by state and local health departments and healthcare facilities and serves as general guidance for the initial response for the containment of novel or targeted multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) or resistance mechanisms. It is not intended to describe all the actions that might be required for control of an outbreak (e.g., sustained transmission within a facility or region). In addition, further evaluation might be required based on the findings of the initial response described in this document.
Updates to the 2017 Interim Guidance:
• Added definitions for Healthcare Facility, Colonization Screening, and Response Tiers.
• Expanded the “Response Recommendations by Tier” to include additional detail, particularly for contact
• investigations and retrospective and prospective surveillance strategies.
• Added section, Containment strategies for healthcare facilities at high risk for transmission of MDROs
• Removed Figure 1 and added 2 tables:
o Table 1: Summary of Response Recommendations for MDRO Containment by Tier
o Table 2: Summary of CDC Recommendations to Assess Transmission of Novel or Targeted MDROs
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Pages in Document:15 numbered pages
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