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Public Health Reports ; v. 66, no. 26 : cover

  • June 29 1951

  • Source: Public Health Rep. 66(26)
Filetype[PDF-197.20 KB]



  • Description:
    Beginning in January 1952 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS will be published monthly. Two other technical publications of the Public Health Service-the Journal of Venereal Disease Information and the CDC Bulletin-are being merged with it.

    The merger has come about as the result of an extended study of the Public Health Service's publishing activities. The new journal is designed to carry out more efficiently and economically the Public Health Service's responsibilities for disseminating scientific information on matters of health.

    The new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS will be concerned with the technical and professional aspects of public health practice, with problems of health administration, and with research in these fields. It will include substantially the types of material that have been appearing in the three present journals and the monthly Tuberculosis Control Issue of PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS. There will be more emphasis, however, on administrative practice, program development, and applied research aspects and less emphasis on bench research and clinical material not rather directly related to public health practice.

    As has been true with each of the present journals, the pages of the new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS will be open, on merit, to any responsible author. General editorial guidance will be provided by a Board of Editors composed of individuals of recognized competence and professional stature drawn from both within and outside the Federal service.

    Every effort will be made to furnish the new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS to representative organizations in public health and its related fields. Most of the readers on the mailing list are affiliated with organizations to which free distribution can legally be made. They will continue to receive the new journal either directly or through these organizations.

    The first issue of the new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS and an application form for a free subscription will be sent to readers now on the free lists for technical periodicals. After they have had an opportunity to review the new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS and to consider its usefulness in their work, readers who wish to remain on the lists and receive the new periodical regularly should complete the application and send it in as soon as possible. This will allow time to revise the lists for mailing the second and subsequent issues.

    The new PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS will also be available by paid subscription from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office.

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