Development And Supermarket Field Testing Of Videotaped Nutrition Messages For Cancer Risk Reduction
Source: Public Health Rep. 107(6):691-694
Alternative Title:Public Health Rep
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Description:This article describes the development and field testing of five 1-minute videotaped nutrition public service announcements focusing on the role of nutrition in reducing cancer risks. Topics include dietary fat, vitamin A, vitamin C, cruciferous vegetables, and fiber. Produce departments in two large supermarkets were the test sites. Videotapes were shown over a 3-day period for a total of 20 hours in each store. Of the total 1,196 customers intercepted, 1,050 (88 percent) agreed to be interviewed to determine whether they had viewed the video; the impact of the video on nutrition awareness, diet, and immediate purchases; and their perception of the stores' providing nutrition information. Only 26 percent of the customers viewed the videotapes. The main reason cited for nonviewing was lack of time. Forty-three percent of viewers stated that this was new information to them, and 21 percent said they would change their eating habits as a result of seeing the tape. Seventeen percent of viewers stated that they actually purchased foods recommended in the tapes. Of all the customers surveyed, 40 percent said they would shop more often at a supermarket that showed nutrition videos.
Pubmed ID:1333620
Pubmed Central ID:PMCnull
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