Salmonella surveillance report no. 23, APRIL 1, 1964
APRIL 1, 1964
Corporate Authors:
Description:For month of February 1964
A total of 1,442 human isolations of salmonellae were reported during
February, 1964. This represents an increase of 393 isolations over those (1049)
reported during February last year. Similarly, the 3043 cumulative total isolations in 1964 contrasts with 2170 reported during the same period in 1963.
This report includes three case reports of salmonella meningitis occurring in children, 2 from Hawaii and one from Utah. Prolonged gastrointestinal illness before onset of clinically apparent meningitis occurred in each case. Comment upon the significance of this observation are included. A foodborne outbreak of salmonella-like gastroenteritis is submitted from Ohio.
The Special Reports section includes a resume of the Salmonella derby problem, which concludes by encouraging more prompt study and reporting of new
Content Notes:I. Summary -- II. Reports of isolations from the states -- III. Current investigations -- IV. Reports from states -- V. International.
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