Shigella surveillance report no. 10, May 31, 1966
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Shigella surveillance report no. 10, May 31, 1966

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    Fifty-three reporting centers are now participating in the Shigella Surveillance Program. These include all 50 states as well as New York City, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands.

    A total of 2,099 human shigella isolations were reported from the 53 reporting centers during the first quarter of 1966. This represents a 13.6 per cent decrease from the 2,429 isolations reported during the fourth quarter of 1965 (52 reporting centers), which was an increase of 8.1 per cent over the 2,248 isolations reported during the third quarter (52 reporting centers).

    During January, February, and March, 70.2 per cent of shigella isolations were reported from children under 10 years of age, as compared with 66.7 per cent during the fourth quarter of 1965. As in the fourth quarter of 1965, no sex predilection for shigella was apparent during this quarter. In contrast to the past, no large predominance of males among the less than 5-year age groups was observed.

    The most frequently isolated serotypes during the first quarter of 1966 continue to be Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri 2a. Regional differences continue to follow the same pattern (see Figure 1 and Table I).

    Because of a large food-borne outbreak of shigellosis at an elementary school, involving children from ages 5 to 11 years in Hawaii during February, Shigella flexneri 2a increased from 13.0 per cent of all isolations reported during the fourth quarter of 1965 to 20.3 per cent during the first quarter of 1966. In the outbreak a total of 164 children, 4 teachers and 4 food handlers were ill.

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