NIOSH abstracting and indexing guide for automated storage and retrieval system
October 1973
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Description:"The methodology behind the abstracting and indexing techniques used to prepare data for entry into the Technical Information Center system of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was reviewed. This guide was divided into specific search fields found in the system. Guidelines for abstracting and indexing were given which explain how to analyze a document, select terms and use common sentence patterns, reference considerations, style and mechanics, and acceptable characters for the system. Proper use of the abstracting and indexing forms was covered for the following fields of information: abstractor, date, pages, NIOSH number, accession number, source, title, author, reference, publication data, submission date, text, keywords, body, editor, editing, microfiche, hard copy, MT/ST, and data entry. Chemical names were discussed in an appendix with examples included for formatting the names, use of keywords, organic and inorganic chemicals, organometallic compounds, and a listing of common keywords. Tables of information helpful in the indexing of chemical names were included. Sample abstracting and indexing forms were included." - NIOSHTIC-2
The contract report number for this document is SRC-TR-72-5-10l(4d).
NIOSHTIC no.00181313
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