Memorandum of understanding toolkit for public health and pharmacies : guidance and templates for state and territorial health agencies when establishing a memorandum of understandings with pharmacies to support a coordinated and resourceful public health response to influenza pandemics and ther vaccine-related emergencies
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Description:Version 2.0
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Toolkit for Public Health and Pharmacies presents a standardized template to formalize responsibilities between state public health agencies and pharmacies for pandemic influenza vaccination and response planning. This template was extensively reviewed by national public health and pharmacy associations and was tested in eight states. It provides guidance and tools for state and territorial health agencies to use when establishing agreements with pharmacies to support a strong public health response to influenza pandemics and other vaccine-related public health emergencies. None of the information contained in this document should be considered legal advice. State health agencies should consult with their legal departments about the feasibility of using the tools and resources included in this toolkit, including the memorandum of understanding (MU) template, to facilitate a formal agreement with their pharmacy partners.
This toolkit was supported by CDC cooperative agreement number 5U38M000454-05. Its contents are solely the responsibilities of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
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Pages in Document:15 numbered pages
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