2009 national assessment of epidemiologic capacity Supplemental report : Chronic disease epidemiology capacity findings and recommendations
Alternative Title:National assessment of epidemiologic capacity;Chronic disease epidemiology capacity findings and recommendations;2009 ECA supplement: chronic disease epidemiology capacity;Epidemiology capacity assessment;ECA report;Supplemental report: Chronic disease epidemiology capacity findings and recommendations;
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Description:"In 2007, CSTE passed a position statement on state-level chronic disease epidemiology capacity. This position statement defined the minimum recommended chronic disease epidemiology workforce as a) at least one senior CDE (doctoral degree with at least 5 years' experience in chronic disease epidemiology or master's degree with at least 10 years' experience in chronic disease epidemiology); b) at least one CDE who is responsible for coordinating/integrating activities across categorical programs; and c) at least five full-time CDEs, at least one of whom has a doctoral degree. Key steps recommended to monitor state chronic disease epidemiology capacity included developing a list of capacity indicators that correspond to the capacity domains described in the 2003 chronic disease epidemiology capacity assessment and developing and conducting an online rapid assessment tool to measure these key indicators every 2 years. In 2009, in follow-up to the position statement, CSTE conducted a second assessment of chronic disease capacity as a supplement to the overall Epidemiology Capacity Assessment (ECA). The results of both the supplement and data collected on chronic disease programs from the 2009 ECA core assessment are presented in this report. In addition, where comparable information was obtained, trends in chronic disease capacity from the 2001, 2004, and 2006 core ECAs and CSTE's 2003 National Assessment of Epidemiologic Capacity in Chronic Disease are described." - p. 9
This publication was supported by CDC Cooperative Agreement # 5U38HM000414
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