CDC malaria surveillance report : 1957
April 3, 1958
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Description:Information contained in this report is a summary of data reported to CDC by State Health Departments, Epidemic Intelligence Service Officers, The National Office of Vital Statistics, and other pertinent sources. Much of it is preliminary in nature and is intended for those Involved in malaria control activities. Anyone desiring to quote this information is urged to contact the persons responsible for the preparation of this report in order that the exact interpretation of the report and the current status of the investigation be obtained. State Health Officers, of course, will judge the advisability of releasing any information from their own states.
Content Notes:I. Introduction -- II. Malaria Surveillance 1957 - Continental United States -- III. a. Tabulation of 1957 Data; b. Foreign Sources of 1957 Cases; c. 1957 Seasonal Analysis; d. Graph: Reported Malaria Morbidity and Mortality -- IV. Appendices: a. Malaria Surveillance 1956; b. Tabulation of 1956 Data; c. Foreign Sources of 1956 Cases; d. 1956 Seasonal Analysis; e. Tabulation of 1955 Data; f. Summary of State Malaria Reporting Procedures.
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