Summary of notifiable diseases -- United States, 2003
April 22, 2005, for 2003
Journal Article:MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
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Description:"The Summary of Notifiable Diseases --- United States, 2003 contains the official statistics, in tabular and graphic form, for the reported occurrence of nationally notifiable diseases in the United States for 2003. Unless otherwise noted, the data are final totals for 2003 reported as of June 30, 2004. These statistics are collected and compiled from reports sent by state health departments to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS), which is operated by CDC in collaboration with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). The Summary is available at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/summary.html. This site also includes publications from past years. The Highlights section presents noteworthy epidemiologic and prevention information for 2003 for selected diseases and additional information to aid in the interpretation of surveillance and disease-trend data. Part 1 contains tables showing incidence data for the nationally notifiable diseases during 2003. The tables provide the number of cases reported to CDC for 2003, as well as the distribution of cases by month, geographic location, and the patient's demographic characteristics (age, sex, race, and ethnicity). Nationally notifiable diseases that are reportable in <40 states do not appear in these tables. Part 2 contains graphs and maps that depict summary data for certain notifiable diseases described in tabular form in Part 1. Part 3 contains tables that list the number of cases of notifiable diseases reported to CDC since 1970. This section also includes a table enumerating deaths associated with specified notifiable diseases reported to CDC's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), during 1996--2001. The Selected Reading section presents general and disease-specific references for notifiable infectious diseases. These references provide additional information on surveillance and epidemiologic concerns, diagnostic concerns, and disease control activities." - p. 1
Content Notes:prepared by Richard S. Hopkins, Ruth Ann Jajosky, Patsy A. Hall, Deborah A. Adams , Felicia J. Connor , Pearl Sharp , Willie J. Anderson , Robert F. Fagan, J. Javier Aponte , Gerald F. Jones , David A. Nitschke , Carol A. Worsham , Nelson Adekoya, Man-huei Chang, Division of Public Health Surveillance and Informatics, Epidemiology Program Office.
Selected reading: p. 79-85.
Pubmed ID:15889005
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