Proposed national strategy for the prevention of neurotoxic disorders
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Proposed national strategy for the prevention of neurotoxic disorders

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  • Alternative Title:
    Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work-related diseases and injuries, neurotoxic disorders
  • Corporate Authors:
  • Description:
    "Neurotoxic disorders have been included in the list of the ten leading causes of work related disease and injury because of the large number of chemicals having demonstrable neurotoxic properties, the sensitivity of the nervous system to damage, the large number of workers exposed to neurotoxic chemicals and the importance of an intact nervous system for daily functions and thus the potential severity of neurotoxic illnesses. An estimated 8 million workers may be exposed full time to neurotoxic agents. The components of a national prevention strategy for neurological disorders includes a sensitive surveillance system, a strong evaluation program, and a broad based control program. Much remains to be done in identifying those groups at risk of occupational exposures with neurotoxic consequences. Identification of these groups with subsequent evaluation of the damages from the toxic agents will result in increased knowledge which will be used in monitoring the work place and the exposures. Controls to ensure that workers are adequately protected from these chemicals will require adequate premarket testing of new chemicals that enter the workplace and improved regulatory mechanisms that extend coverage to the total workforce." - NIOSHTIC-2
  • Content Notes:
    Cover title: Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work-related diseases and injuries, neurotoxic disorders.

    Developed in 1985 at a conference sponsored by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Association of Schools of Public Health.

    Originally published as part of the two v. set: Proposed national strategies for the prevention of leading work-related diseases and injuries, part 1 and part 2.

    Also available via the World Wide Web.

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