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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Final FY 2002 GPRA Annual Performance Plan ; Revised Final FY 2001 GPRA Annual Performance Plan ; FY 2000 GPRA Annual Performance Report
April 2001
Corporate Authors:
Description:The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the lead federal agency responsible for promoting health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. CDC accomplishes its mission by working with partners throughout the nation and the world to monitor health, detect and investigate health problems, conduct research to enhance prevention, develop and advocate sound health policies, implement prevention strategies, promote healthy behaviors, foster safe and healthy environments, and provide public health leadership and training.
A unique and critical aspect of CDC’s leadership role is embodied by its National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). NCHS provides strong leadership in monitoring the health of the American people and is an unparalleled resource for health information. NCHS performs several key roles including providing a solid information base for designing and tracking prevention programs, identifying health problems and risk factors that affect the population, and monitoring the dramatic changes taking place in our nation's health care system. NCHS represents an investment in broad-based, fundamental public health and health policy statistics that meets the needs of a wide range of users within the public health community, the Department of Health and Human Services, other federal agencies, research institutions, and health care practitioners.
CDC’s distinguished history of success in disease prevention has spanned 54 years, beginning with the first national disease-elimination strategy used against malaria in 1947. Some well-known accomplishments of the Nation’s prevention agency resulting from the more than 3,000 investigations of disease outbreaks include identifying Legionnaires’ disease and toxic shock syndrome, Reye’s Syndrome, Ebola, hantavirus, and many foodborne and waterborne diseases. CDC’s “Disease Detectives” are renowned worldwide for their ability to work with local authorities responding to urgent health threats by aggressively investigating outbreaks of disease or injury, identifying ways to stop transmission, and preventing further occurrence. Each year CDC is instrumental in accurately tracking influenza strains around the globe, and as a World Health Organization Collaborating Center, using sophisticated techniques to provide scientific data essential for vaccine development. As part of a global partnership, CDC played a major role in the worldwide eradication of smallpox in 1977 and, as a partner in massive immunization campaigns, is on the verge of globally eradicating polio. In addition, CDCismakingsteadyprogresstowardeliminatingmeasles. Inthiscountry,vaccine-preventable childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, and diphtheria occur at the lowest rates ever seen. CDC’s sentinel surveillance permitted early identification of the AIDS epidemic, thus allowing prevention strategies to be formulated and applied to curtail the frightening growth of this epidemic. Today, CDC works with state, community, national, and international campaigns to prevent and control human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis (TB).
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